April 26, 2023
The Ego – Nothing to Eliminate
The Ego from my personal yoga therapeutical point of view. Overcoming the Ego is a popular topic in the spiritual scene. I am sure you have heard the sentence: „Ego is a wonderful servant but not often a good master.“ There are million of quotes out there that point to the Ego as the root of suffering. In this Blog I give you some ideas why I disagree.
March 23, 2023
Antahkarana in Yoga and the Akashic Field
Many say the symbol originated in Tibet. The Antahkarana symbol creates an energy that has a direct effect on the human aura. Activating chakra points in various ways. Yantra meditation for instance uses visual images to reach the consciousness. The Antahkarana is a very ancient healing and meditation symbol that has been used in China and Tibet for thousands of years.
February 3, 2023
Trusting the Divine Masculine and Sacred Union
The divine feminine and divine masculine. Everyone has these two universal and inherent energies and archetypal ideals within. Most women identify with their feminine essence, and most men identify with their masculine essence.
March 23, 2021
Sacred Feminine Spirituality
Spiritual traditions in our society. What is the role of feminine spirituality? Why a female supremacy in yoga today and what are the opportunities?
When do you know that your femininity demands more YIN?
Society has been shaped by the male spiritual experience. This made access to the spiritual exclusive.
August 18, 2020
A Fearless Courageous Heart
“Courage is knowing what not to fear.” Plato
New moons are always good moments to devote yourself to shadow work.
April 25, 2020
Freedom is your Birthright
Wo würdest du mit deinen Flügeln hinfliegen wenn du überall hinkönntest? Mach sie mal groß & weit, putz sie durch, vielleicht musst du deinen Staub nach diesen Wochen abschütteln und sie neu ausbreiten?
November 6, 2019
Choose – Allow – Walk your Path
….. and Stillness – Dharma – Yoga Practice
What about your seeds that you sowed this year? There are still some weeks left to reflect. Could you reap something this autumn? What have you chosen?
September 12, 2019
Let go – Let be
“Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.”—Pema Chödrön
Definition, Mantras, Meditation, Koshas, Pranidhanat, Gayatri and Lakshmi and how „Let go-let be-creating space“ can affect our physical Yoga Practice and Life.
May 2, 2019
Decisions & You Are Enough
The moment you choose to be happy with nothing, you will attract everything
Decisions – You are for sure familiar with Situations in your life when you are arriving on a cross section and you have to choose one way and the selection which path to take is an endless weigh of possibilities.
March 29, 2019
Seeds & Sankalpa
“Be mindful of intention, Intention is the seed that creates our future.”-Jack Kornfield
Springtime is Seedtime. Sankalpa time – it is time to set intentions. We get rid of all the Kapha (Water) in our Bodies – Create new room and we can start to nourish our dreams and visions for the year.
January 31, 2019
Platz für Neues – AGNI SARA
Ein halbes Jahr habe ich hunderte von Kilos aus meiner Kindheit, Schulzeit und aus den letzten Jahren entsorgt, verschenkt, verkauft. Es war so unglaublich befreiend. Wenn ich an meine erste Rucksack Reise zurückdenke hatte ich soviel Gepäck dabei, aus Gedanken, das es vielleicht gewisse Dinge dort nicht geben könnte.
January 11, 2019
Healing Fields & Cell Consciousness
Lone fighter or herd?
Unique or herd animal – Lone fighter or team player – Black sheep or is it the flock?
Mimamsa in Sanskrit means among other things “discussion” or “reflection”. Here are some thoughts that came up when I filmed some sheep and going trough challenging times.
November 19, 2018
Dankbarkeit – Magnet für Wunder
…ist das Gefühl wenn sich das Herz erinnert.
February 7, 2018
Love – Joy – Positive Thinking
JA zu dem, was dir gut tut und andere nicht verletzt. JA zu freudvollen Momenten und denen, aus denen du lernen kannst. JA zu Wünschen die sich erfüllen und zu denen, die sich nicht erfüllen, wenn es besser für dich ist. JA zu Freudentränen und Tränen, die versöhnt Abschied nehmen.