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Platz für Neues – AGNI SARA

Platz für Neues – AGNI SARA

  |  Ulrike Manhart

Ein halbes Jahr habe ich hunderte von Kilos aus meiner Kindheit, Schulzeit und aus den letzten Jahren entsorgt, verschenkt, verkauft. Es war so unglaublich befreiend. Wenn ich an meine erste Rucksack Reise zurückdenke hatte ich soviel Gepäck dabei, aus Gedanken, das es vielleicht gewisse Dinge dort nicht geben konnte. Auf meiner letzten längeren Rucksackreise die über ein halbes Jahr dauerte, reiste ich mit leichtem Gepäck und ich war total überfordert als ich zu Hause wieder vor meinem vollen Kleiderschrank stand. Luxusproblem. YES.

Im Yoga heißt es das Agni Sara, das Verdauungsfeuer für das verbrennen der nicht verdauten Emotionen, Gedanken & des Essens zuständig ist. Wie kurbeln wir dieses Feuer im Winter am Besten an? Durch warme Nahrung und Bewegung. Viele Drehungen im Yoga, Rückbeugen und dynamische Flows regen unser Verdauungsfeuer gut an.

Es stellen sich somit immer wieder die Fragen: Was sammelst du dir an?  Reist du generell mit schwerem Gepäck durchs Leben? Was verschafft dir mehr Leichtigkeit? Wie gehst du mit dem neuen Raum wenn du Platz schaffst im Innen und im Außen schaffst um?

Let go & make Space,


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Healing Fields & Cell Consciousness

Healing Fields & Cell Consciousness

  |  Ulrike Manhart

Lone fighter or herd?
Unique or herd animal – Lone fighter or team player – Black sheep or is it the flock?

Mimamsa in Sanskrit means among other things “discussion” or “reflection”. Here are some thoughts that came up when I filmed some sheep and going trough challenging times.

You can change and control your genes! Yes you can.

Our feelings and our consciousness also control our genes. So we often see ourselves as the victims of our genes and cannot believe that we can control them. How is that possible?

Bruce Lipton is a cell biologist and founder of epigenetics. He has studied cells in detail for decades and his years of research have astonishing results. Our cells respond to signals. Genes do not control themselves, they are just the blueprints for our proteins. They are like filing cabinets containing blueprints. The cells respond to signals they receive from the environment and thereby control their behaviour.

So what does the environment of a cell include?

Our body is a community of 50 trillion cells, all of which are interconnected. Every single cell consists of a cell membrane, the proteins and the DNA, i.e. our genes. The cell membrane has switches that respond to signals. Genes change according to the signals they receive. This can happen within 8 hours. The environment of a cell includes our nutrition, blood chemistry, but also our thoughts and feelings – in other words our consciousness. Through our thoughts, beliefs and feelings and through our language and our inner images, our hormones and thus also our cells are controlled.

Our experiences and beliefs therefore also control our biology. If our cells have a good environment with positive signals, they react with growth. Under stress they take on a protective function and growth is stopped.


Cut – I take a deep breath and swing back to yoga basics

On the one hand Yoga stands for “Unity, Harmony, Being Whole”, in Indian philosophy Yoga refers to the Yoga system of Patanjali, respectively to what was collected by him and written down in the Yoga Sutras around 600 B.C. – 200 A.D. A core statement from Patanjali’s collected work is: “Yogas chitta vritti nirodhah” = “Yoga is the resting of thoughts in the mind”. “Tada drashtuh svarupe vasthanam” = “Then the perceiver rests in his true being”. There are some different Indian philosophical systems. One of them is Samkhya.

Samkhya means “classification”, “enumeration”. Samkhya philosophy has an atheistic starting point because God is not mentioned. Instead of God it is about the concept of Purusha and Prakriti. Purusha is the pure consciousness or soul. Prakriti is the primordial nature, which consists of the three Gunas (the basic qualities of nature: sattva (clarity, goodness, harmony), rajas (restlessness, movement, energy) and tamas (inertia, darkness, chaos)) in their unmanifested state. Originally it is in balance. The concept of Purusha and Prakriti implies a dualistic worldview, since Purusha and Prakriti have been separate from the beginning and remain separate.
This philosophy provides a theory about the origin of the world: Purusha has the desire to experience the world. Then the prakriti moves and first manifests as Spandana, the Cosmic Primordial Vibration. This goes further and further into the world and becomes a manifestation. Sattva corresponds to the causal world, rajas, the astral world and tamas to the physical world. They are subject to parinama, constant change. Purusha manifests in countless chittas, individual souls or minds through which he sees and experiences the world.

There are three distinctions in Samkhya philosophy.

Number One: Not only discrimination, detachment and observation lead to liberation. Instead, there are a variety of techniques and methods in yoga. Everything that serves the purpose of calming the mind and returning to the “true essence”, to come to the knowledge of the Self, is yoga. So there is a broad practice of practice, and the constant effort to practice, the latter is also called Abhyasa.

Two: There is the concept of Ishwara, a personal god. He is to be regarded as a special manifestation of Purusha, free from attachments, karma kleshas (suffering), ignorance and desires.

Three: There is only one consciousness, a Purusha, which manifests in all beings.

And with three, I resonate very strongly deep within myself. When the ONE consciousness is manifested in all of us, we all have a constant natural desire to change between being unique and wanting to belong to the group. This reflects two basic needs. To be loved and to stand out from the crowd (being unique, seen and so on.) How do I get attention if I am no different? I tell you YOU ARE UNIQUE. Your 50 trillion cells are unique in this combination. WOW. Magical.

Here are a few more facts:

The groups in which we move are often very differently structured and no group can replace another. There are many research approaches from a sociological point of view. One thing is certain . We need groups to learn and to fulfil our roles. And we have two different needs self expression/ authenticity and belonging. When they are in conflict belonging wins. That´s the reclamation of the self.

How does your cells feel right now?

How can you create a field around you that supports your healing and recovery?

In order to go into depth, it is precisely about having a good field around you, to be safe in good groups. To supply our cells with positive signals to maintain our growth and health. I want to make you aware of how deep your chosen environment can affect you.

And Yoga strengthens your Svata, in Sanskrit it means belonging to the Self; ownership and possession.Because only if you strengthen yourself you can be a good contribution in your groups which in turn strengthen and support you.

Feed your cells and thus your field where you can grow, prosper and heal with good thoughts.

Your body listens to everything your mind says. Create a mindset your cells will love you for.

“A genuine smile distributes the cosmic current, Prana to every body cell. The happy man is less subject to disease, for happiness actually attracts into the body a greater supply of the Universal life energy. ” -Paramahansa Yogananda


Love, Ulli


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Dankbarkeit – Magnet für Wunder

Dankbarkeit – Magnet für Wunder

  |  Ulrike Manhart

…ist das Gefühl wenn sich das Herz erinnert.

In meiner letzten Aussendung habe ich mich schon bedankt, aber man kann nicht oft genug dankbar sein für das was war, ist und sein wird. Herzensdank an alle – ihr habt es mir ermöglicht das meine Arbeit zur Heilung und zum Frieden auf der Erde beitragen.


Im Herzen sind wir verbunden

“Möge die Liebe, die sich im Geist der Weihnacht zeigt, der Leitstern für deine Wünsche sein. “-Edgar Cayce

Schönes Fest der Liebe an dich und deine Herzallerliebsten!

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Love – Joy – Positive Thinking

Love – Joy – Positive Thinking – Reconnection with yourself – Healing – Happiness is an inside Job

  |  Ulrike Manhart

JA zu dem, was dir gut tut und andere nicht verletzt. JA zu freudvollen Momenten und denen, aus denen du lernen kannst. JA zu Wünschen die sich erfüllen und zu denen, die sich nicht erfüllen, wenn es besser für dich ist. JA zu Freudentränen und Tränen, die versöhnt Abschied nehmen. JA zu Aufgaben, die du mit Leichtigkeit löst und Lektionen, die du durch schwierige Aufgaben lernst. JA vor allem zu einem liebevollen Umgang – mit dir selbst und den Menschen, die dich umgeben.

“In dem Augenblick, in dem man sich endgültig einer Aufgabe verschreibt, bewegt sich die Vorsehung auch. Alle möglichen Dinge, die sonst nie geschehen wären, geschehen um einem zu helfen. Ein ganzer Strom von Ereignissen wird in Gang gesetzt durch diese Entscheidung und sie sorgt zu den eigenen Gunsten für zahlreiche unvorhergesehene Zufälle, Begegnungen und materielle Hilfen, die sich kein Mensch vorher je erträumt haben könnte. Was immer du kannst oder Dir vorstellst, dass Du es kannst, beginne es. Kühnheit trägt Genie, Macht und Magie in sich. Beginne jetzt!” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

YES to what is good for you and not others injured. YES to joyful moments and those from whom you can learn. YES fulfill the wishes and to those who do not meet if it is better for you. YES to tears of joy and tears, take the reconciled farewell. YES to tasks that you solve with ease, and the lessons you learn through difficult tasks. YES especially a loving handling – with yourself and the people who surround you.
Begin It Now
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness, concerning all acts of initiative (and creation). There is one elementary truth in ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Love, Joy and Happiness is your essence! The thoughts are free, choose wisely.

Boom Boom,


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