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Autumn Offerings 2024

Higher Self – Astral Workshop

Online Healing Space (6 times)

Venus Chant Event


Online Group Event

Embarking on a Higher Self Astral Workshop offers a transformative journey to align your mind, heart and womb, creating a sacred space for your deepest intentions to flourish. This spiritual practice involves connecting with your higher self, accessing profound wisdom and guidance that transcends the mundane. By aligning the heart and womb, you harmonize the emotional and creative centers of your being, fostering a powerful synergy that can infuse your creations with pure love and divinity. This alignment allows you to manifest with intention and clarity, ensuring that your endeavors are not only successful but also deeply fulfilling and imbued with a sense of higher purpose. This sacred alignment empowers you to bring forth creations that resonate with the highest vibrations of love and spiritual truth. Connect with your higher Self on our 2h Journey. Arcturian Healing Gateway Stimulation will come through. 

What is your higher self?

What is your earth star?

What is an astral body?

Join us on this journey to expand your horizon and energy on the 10/10 Portal and infuse your body with higher guidance.

  • 44 Euros

  • 10/10/2024 – 6 -8pm (18-20h) CET



6x Online Group Event – Ecplise Season Outro

An online healing space offers a sanctuary for souls seeking relaxation and inner peace, often incorporating techniques like Pranayama, a form of controlled breathing that calms the mind and energizes the body. Conducting these sessions six times can significantly enhance one’s well-being, promoting mental clarity and emotional balance. Additionally, higher light clearing sessions are integrated to help you clear negative energy and align with your body, fostering a deeper connection to their inner light and universal energy. This holistic approach not only nurtures physical health but also enriches the soul, creating a comprehensive path to healing, self-discovery, wellbeing and balancing life´s challenges. One hour a week where you consciously give your whole system BE-time with some tools. 

Tuning the body vessel and nourishment from within with surrender

All online sessions are available in your personal memberarea at any time afterwards.

Join us! It is so important to give yourself room to BE. I’ll take you by my hand.




  • 14/10, 21/10, 28/10. 04/11, 11/11, 18/11 – 2024

  • 66 Euros for 6 times
  • Zoom Online


Let´s drop into our hearts and dust it off. Let´s expand our heart fields and stimulate our cells and body systems. Rise from Seperation into Unity with me.

Vagus Nerve Full Body Activation and Venusian Love and Beauty. Let´s open our heart and join on this fullmoon in a little Ceremony for one hour. Little Hand-Out will be included.

Ready to chant, pray and sing with me?

  • 15/11/2024 – 6-7pm (18-19h)
  • In your Sacred Space at Home/ ONLINE Zoom
  • 13 Euros




1-2 Persons 120 Euro +21% IVA
3-5 Persons 150 Euro +21% IVA
5-10 Persons 220 Euro +21% IVA
10-20 Persons 330 Euro +21% IVA

  • 90 Minutes
  • Preliminary talk included
  • Online, Live &  On-site
  • Bookable at any time

How do you join all the online sessions?

(The Zoom app) is free and available for download at: or in the App Store. Participation also possible via cell phone.

I am very excited to meet you to guide you into your own sacred magic. Join the inside – move the insight!


More people who live from their center in harmony and peace with themselves and their world and are thus also present for others.

  • Healing & Transformation & Freedom

  • People who draw from the full and love what they do

  • Conscious people who make their decisions out of love & with higher intention

  • More light, joy & movement

  • Become the version of yourself you want to be. Each small step will magically change your life. Conscious alignment, a healthy body, and mindful awareness are the keys to sustainable, long-term, and inclusive realization. Success is then certain, inevitable.

  • Join the inside – move the insight

Yoga & Healing Offerings

  • Yoga 1:1 Sessions

  • Workshops

  • Business Yoga

  • Retreat Teacher

  • Sound Healing

  • Gruppen

  • Space Holder

  • Private Facebook Group (FREE)

  • Member Area – Free Content – Shop Content

What others say about me…

  • Emma Nuata

    Healing & Mentorship

    My Akashic Reading was mind blowing. I could not believe how much I resonated with everything Ulli shared with me. Really deep and big parts of my life unravelled and freed from me! After the clearing was a big shift and continues to be so, months later. Incredibly insightful and formative for my onward spiritual journey.

  • Gemma Kingsbury

    Montessori Teacher & Medicine Woman

    I know of quite a few people doing Akashic Readings but I was guided to Ulli and I understood why after. She really reads the records with such respect and with such an ethical authenticity. For me it was absolutely life changing to listen to her reading, it has made my path so much clearer and given me a real understanding of who I am, what I need, and where to go next. I found the clearing decrees afterwards hard yet so powerful for healing and cleansing. She gives a depth of self knowledge that is very hard to find elsewhere, from soul origin and location to past lives and anchestral I will be recommending this gift of self love to everyone I meet for the rest of my life! Thank you so much Ulli.

  • Lally Molina

    I have the pleasure to meet Ulrike Manhart during a Yoga retreat in Mallorca. She is a very knowledgeable teacher and a lovely human being. I love every minute of the retreat, her kindness, loving and caring attitude was a highlight. I highly recommend any of her retreats, workshops and yoga classes. 🙏🏻✨✨✨✨✨

  • Stefanie Apuri


    The Akashic Reading with Ulli. Pieces of the puzzle are coming together I am getting closer to my soul, my True I, and I am experiencing myself in a completely new way. It feels free. The process of clearing and healing is profound and powerful. A peaceful feeling of well-being spreads within me. Thank you, Ulli, for your empathic guidance.

  • Cornelia Sagmeister

    Physio, Mantra, Yoga
    Ulli is that fairy-kind of Person that always Seems to be lifted up a few inches off the ground- it seems like her smile gives her wings…
    And this smile, this lightness and softness she shares in her courses while at the same time she guides you gently but powerful to this deep places within to reconnect, let go and relax…
    Thank you for sharing your passion 💛
  • Carla Lobos


    Not only a wonderful yoga teacher but also an amazing and sensitive woman !

  • Claudine Klöhn

    Personal Training 1:1 Yoga Sessions

    Ulli ist einfach fantastisch! ❤️ Sie versteht es sehr gut sich auf ihr Gegenüber einzulassen. Eine Woche lang startete jeder Tag mit Ulli – es waren wundervolle Tage 😘

  • Jenny Scheiber

    Private Yin & Kurse

    Ulli ist eine wirklich berufene Yogi, die mit vollem Herz und mit voller Seele Yoga lebt. Sie hat mir bereits durch und in vielen Situationen sehr mit ihrem Wissen und ihrer Unterstützung geholfen. Ich bin dankbar für jeden Augenblick, den ich mit ihr Leben dürft und hoffentlich noch leben darf 🙏

  • Carmen Csecsele


    Ulli, deine Yogastunden waren eine solche Bereicherung für mich und haben mich weitergeschickt auf meinen Yogaweg! Herzlichen Dank dafür!

  • Uta Sachsa – Gebert


    Wir haben Ulli schon persönlich kennenlernen dürfen und mit Ihr zusammen Yoga praktiziert. Ulli verbreitet eine ganz liebevolle herzliche Stimmung, leitet sehr gut an, so dass nicht nur ich eine tolle Yogapraxis hatte, sondern auch mein Mann hat sich bei ihr sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt hat. (eine absolute Ausnahme 🤭💛 )

  • Viola Lörincz


    Ich kenne Ulli schon sehr lange… durch sie habe ich die Liebe zu Yoga gefunden und auch mich selbst neu kennenlernen dürfen. Mit Ulli Yoga zu praktizieren ist eine so wertvolle Zeit, die ich nicht missen möchte. Ich danke dir liebe Ulli auch auf diesem Wege, dass es dich gibt!

  • Sabine Messerschmidt


    Mit ihrer sensiblen Art leitet Ulli Manhart dich durch eine Yoga Praxis, die Körper und Geist nährt. Ein gesungenes Mantra zu Beginn, einen Fokus setzen, die eigentliche Bewegung, ein Text zum Abschluss, hat mich immer wieder geerdet und mir Kraft geschenkt.

  • Heidrun Wiserner-Stromberg


    Nachdem ich Ulli auf Mallorca kennenlernen durfte, war es jedes Mal eine zusätzliche Freude diese Insel zu besuchen und an ihren Yoga-Klassen teilzunehmen. Ihre sonnige, herzliche, sanfte und zugleich kraftvolle Art Yoga zu lehren hat mich sehr berührt und mich auf meinem Yogaweg inspiriert. Es ist ein Geschenk mit ihr Yoga zu praktizieren🙏🏻. Danke liebe Ulli☀️.

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